Remote hack of passwords and activity on Twitter

Enter the username or phone number to which the profile is connected:
WordsPass users can track activity on someone else's Twitter profile through a third-party web interface that provides anonymous and secure data tracking.

By registering a profile in the monitoring panel, you automatically accept all the Terms and Conditions.

  • 20:52 good afternoon
  • 20:52 Max recommended you to me.
  • I need to hack an acquaintance on Twitter
  • 21:04 Hi!
  • 20:07

    Hacking and tracking Twitter

  • 21:08 Read more
  • 21:12 works for me!
  • 21:08 Then we'd better call and discuss the conditions
  • 21:08 Do you need to hack correspondence?
  • 21:12 ideally, gain full control over the profile
  • 21:12 is it possible?
  • 21:08 No problem!
The main features of the WordsPass technology

Fnd out who the other person is chating with on Twitter

To remotely access someone else's Twitter account correspondence, it is necessary to use a solution capable of hacking the Twitter password. The fastest and most affordable option is WordsPass - this software is capable of hacking correspondence without a phone number, just provide a link to the target account. After the hack is done, you will be able to read other people's messages, monitor publications and other activity of the person.

  • Wanted to read Twitter messages
  • And track deleted tweets
  • You only need to buy a special app
  • 21:04 😂
  • seriously?
  • Would you like to try it?
  • 21:08 send me the email link please!

Read Twitter messages and track SMS on the device

The application allows you to view past correspondence in all personal and group chats, and quickly learn about new messages. If the account is enabled to send and receive personal messages via SMS, the software also displays all SMS messages stored on authorized devices. In Dashboard you can view the Blacklist, information about users that the account owner has blocked.

Account recovery and unlocking

The tool allows you to restore frozen and blocked Twitter accounts without any complaints from the platform's security system. Restoring is possible regardless of the reason and period of blocking or freezing. In order to restore an account you don't need to have access to the linked phone number - the verification code to confirm the restoration will be displayed in the WordsPass Dashboard.

Account recovery and unlocking

Broadcast geolocation data and geotagged tweets

Interactive web maps are integrated into the WordsPass Dashboard. It displays all the geodata stored in the account database. The app tracks and saves data about the account holder's current location, which means you can also view his movement history. The location of all tweets and fleets is also shown there.

Additional WordsPass tools

The following Twitter hacking options will be available to you:

Monitoring all published Tweets and restoring Fleets

All publications created in the hacked account are instantly displayed in the WordsPass web interface. Any changes made to the original tweet are also tracked and saved. In addition, despite the closure of the Fleets feature (publications with a limited display time), the software is capable of restoring Fleets previously created in the account.

History of interactions with other profiles

The Activity Feed tool stores information about all interactions between the Twitter profile you follow and other users on the platform. Likes, reposts, replies, and mentions are displayed in chronological order, and when you click on an interaction, you will be redirected to a new tab with all the statistics of the post. The same tool also displays information on subscriptions and unsubscribes associated with the account.

Full control over the account and publications

WordsPass technology is able to put the target Twitter profile under the full control of the user completely anonymously and unnoticed by the current owner. In the web interface of the application you can change the actual authorization data, the email and phone number tied to the account. All publications and comments can be deleted or edited from the same place.

Universal interface for working with profile data Wordspass

Dashboard is a third-party interface, where WordsPass algorithms duplicate the hacked account's database in its entirety. It integrates various tools that optimize interaction with data - Smart Search, Favorites, a system of flexible filters, data analysis modules, and much more. Dashboard is the most secure way to track the target user: it provides surveillance that cannot be tracked.

about Wordspass

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be able to access the ad account data of the hacked account?

The WordsPass Dashboard duplicates data about all Twitter ad activity associated with the tracked account. Information about the effectiveness, cost, and status of advertising campaigns is broadcast in real time.

How safe is it to sign in to a targeted Twitter profile from my device?

Logging into a hacked profile through the Twitter interface may result in detection of hacking. In case you do intend to do so, we recommend using a virtual machine or at least running a VPN on the device beforehand.

Will the owner of the account somehow regain access to it if I change the current password?

Theoretically, the account owner can restore access to the account using an email address or phone number. To level out such a possibility, change the contact information tied to the account.

Can the software restore deleted tweets to a Twitter account?

The app is able to restore any publications in the account, regardless of whether they have been deleted or blocked.

Is it possible to export a list of subscribers of a hacked profile?

The software allows you to export a list of account subscribers to the device or email address. All subscriber data is collected in XLS or CSV format (user can choose the format).